Student standards and assessment
21St Century Literacy in a Convergent Media World
The goal of this work by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the AOL Time Warner Foundation is to identify and present examples of global initiatives that are addressing the need to develop 21st Century Literacy Skills.
Digital Transformation - A Framework for ICT Literacy
In January 2001, Educational Testing Service convened an international panel to study the growing importance of existing and emerging Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and their relationships to literacy. The pane had two major themes: to examine the need for a measure of ICT literacy across countries and to develop a Framework for ICT literacy.
The enGauge framework identifies Six Essential Conditions- system-wide factors critical to effective uses of technology for student learning, and then provides a comprehensive set of evaluative tools that give schools the opportunity to measure their effectiveness in each of the Six Essential Conditions.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) - Student Standards
ISTE has been integral in the creation and dissemination of technology standards for the entire educational community. All standards have been created through consortia with distinguished partners and co-sponsors.
Currently, 49 states have adopted state standards and most districts are assisting schools in bringing standards-based reform to life in classrooms. As a result, practice is changing and, in many cases, student achievement is increasing.
Technology Briefs for NCLB Planners
The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation emphasizes the importance of leveraging the power of technology in all areas of K-12 education, from reading to science to special education. As a result, education leaders at the state and local levels are expected to develop plans that effectively employ technology to enhance learning and increase student achievement.
Texas Technology Literacy Standards for Students and Educators
The Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) found in 19 TAC Chapter 126 describe what students should know and be able to do using technology. As a part of the enrichment curriculum, these TEKS are to be used as guidelines for providing instruction.